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Victoria Garcia for State Assembly



Victoria Garcia


Victoria Garcia and family

Victoria Garcia is a proud third-generation resident of the District, born and raised in the Northeast San Fernando Valley. Her roots run deep in this community and her journey has taken her from attending local public schools and graduating with honors from Poly High School to earning degrees from UCLA, Stanford Law School, and Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. She has been profoundly shaped by life here in the Valley and is committed to serving and improving our District.


As a military wife, mother of three, and construction attorney, Victoria understands both the challenges and the potential of our community. Raising her children in the same District where she was raised, she hasn't see much change. But it’s time for change.


Victoria currently serves as a City Councilwoman for the City of San Fernando and is dedicated to representing and advocating for her neighbors. She is ready to take the demand for change to Sacramento.

Vision & Priorities

I have been a constant advocate dedicated to representing and advocating for my neighbors. I have seen firsthand the struggles faced in our community: rising crime, rising cost of living, and a government that seems out of touch. Sacramento is failing us and it’s time for a change.


I am running for State Assembly because I know that with the right leadership, we can turn things around. Our community deserves safe and clean neighborhoods, affordable gas, groceries, and homes, and a government that prioritizes its people.

The Issues

Public Safety

We need to be safe, first. Our communities are experiencing repeat and rampant crime and a homelessness crisis that has spiraled out of control. Victoria knows that when tools are stolen from a resident’s truck, his livelihood is threatened and when men, women, and children are allowed to live (and die) on the street, that is not compassionate.


It doesn’t have to be this way.


Victoria is ready to help the state redirect. Victoria is committed to voting for bills that increase our public safety which will allow our residents to live safely and thrive. Victoria will require accountability from the organizations that receive millions of State dollars and make sure that those living on the streets are appropriately moved to safe shelters.

Cost of Living

California is crushing us with inflation and its increasing cost of living. Many residents immigrated here for better opportunities. Others have deep roots here and remember when California offered golden opportunities and the best education system in the country. Victoria sees how our schools are failing our children, home ownership is out of reach, and state laws that are crushing small businesses.


It doesn’t have to be this way.


Victoria will help turn this around. Victoria will vote for laws that decrease the cost of living, improve our educational system and opportunities, protect homeowners and increase home ownership. Victoria will support all opportunities for our communities: educationally, vocationally, and through entrepreneurship.

Parental Rights

It starts with our families. Recently, California lawmakers have passed laws that drive a wedge between families and weaken parental rights. Our community knows and wants better.


It doesn’t have to be this way.


As a mother of three, Victoria is a fierce advocate for strong families and parental rights. Victoria believes that strong families lead to strong children which lead to strong communities. Victoria will promote those bills which support our families and vote against any bill that threatens them. She will be your advocate in Sacramento.

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